A service of
netRelief, Inc.

This site is a member of The Smoke Ring
A linked list of BBQ websites

Join the ring or browse a complete list of
The Smoke Ring members

If you discover problems with any of The Smoke Ring sites,
please notify the Ringmaster

Site maintained by Mitch Istre, if any questions or problems, contact webmaster
Site last updated:09/13/2012


Individual 1-to-3 Day Sponsorship

1 wristband per day per person

3 Day Sponorship Packet for 2 People

3 day package includes 2 Wristbands per Day
2 Wristbands Thursday - 2 Wristbands Friday - 2 Wristbands Saturday


Company Level Sponsorships - ( 1 TO 3 )
Includes booth entrance, wristbands, and company name on supporter banners.

Sponsorship Level CO 1
4 Thursday - 8 Friday - 8 Saturday Booth entrance wristbands

Sponsorship Level CO 2
8 Thursday - 16 Friday - 16 Saturday Booth entrance Wristbands

Sponsorship Level CO 3
12 Thursday - 24 Friday - 24 Saturday Booth entrance Wristbands

For sponsorship details, contact
